Tucson Marriott University Park Hotel (880 E 2nd St Tucson, AZ 85719
The Symposium on Arid Lands, Food Security, and Health is co-organized by the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences/School of Middle Eastern & North African Studies (MENAS)/Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts (SISMEC), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/ Global Institute for Strategic Agriculture in Drylands (GISAD), Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and sponsored by the UA Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Whole Foods, and Tucson Community Food Bank.
Four panels will be held:
9:00 AM - Opportunities and challenges for novel technologies for food security
10:30 AM - Opportunities and challenges in nutrition and global public health
1:30 PM - The technologies and politics of water
3:00 PM - Strategic agriculture: Making agriculture work through establishing of technology-resource-market continuum
UA Water Resources Research Center Director Sharon B. Megdal will give a talk entitled "Water Management Challenges and Solutions in Water-scarce Regions," as part of the The technologies and politics of water panel.
The keynote talk will be given by Dr. Turki F. Al-Rasheed, at 4:30 PM. A panel discussion at 5:30 PM will include Dr. Turki F. Al-Rasheed, Dr. Gary Nabhan, Dr. Leila Hudson, and Dr. Joel Cuello.