
Eastern Arizona College, Thatcher, AZ 85552
What's Happening in Your Watershed?
Senator Jeff Flake confirmed as Keynote Speaker. The first annual State of the Watershed public forum will be held on September 22 at Eastern Arizona College in Thatcher, AZ. Local and state experts will share the most current information about natural and water resources in the Upper Gila Watershed. Fire, flood, and the arrival of tamarisk leaf beetle are highlighted topics at this event. Other topics include: snowpack, climate forecasts, mining, local water supplies, and river channelization. All are welcome. Questions from the audience are encouraged.
Gila Watershed Partnership (GWP) offers a free field trip the day before the State of the Watershed on Thursday, September 21 from 1-4PM. Thirty spots are available until filled. You will automatically be offered the field trip option, if available, when you register. Attendees will be provided transportation to GWP's restoration sites in Pima, Arizona to learn about work happening along the Gila River. Contact Clara at the GWP with questions:
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