The American Water Resources Association's (AWRA) 2013 Spring Specialty Conference, Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality II, is designed specifically to provide a multidisciplinary approach to agricultural hydrology and related water quality problems/issues rangingfrom local to international in scope. The conference is a follow-up to the Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality conference held in Kansas City, Missouri in 2003. One of the objectives of the upcoming conference is to explore changes in the field of agricultural hydrology in the ten years between these meetings.
Over 40 sessions, ranging from the historical legacy of agricultural production on water resources, to the hydrologic and water quality impacts of artificial drainage, to the effectiveness of conservation, nutrient management and best management practices are planned. Additionally, sessions highlight the latest developments in field and watershed scale modeling of agroecosytems, decision support and targeting tools in agricultural management, and implementation of nutrient trading programs. Emerging issues are tackled including the conversion of agricultural lands to produce biofuels, the threats to agriculture and water quality posed by changing patterns in weather and climate, and the effects of existing and emerging agrichemicals on aquatic ecosystem health.
The conference is designed to give researchers, policy makers, practitioners and industry representatives the unique opportunity to exchange new ideas, interact in a casual setting, and build new and lasting partnerships, all while enjoying the amenities and cultural heritage of St. Louis and America's heartland. Your attendance at this conference will bring you in contact with other professionals representing many disciplines and whose interests in agricultural hydrology and water quality transcend discipline, basin, and political boundaries. It will be a valuable, rewarding experience to any individual involved in water resources, both from exposure to more than 170 outstanding oral technical presentations and more than 25 poster presentations, but also for unparalleled networking opportunities with your fellow water resources professionals.
A Schedule-at-a-glance is now available online, as well as listings for the oral and poster sessions, and plenary speakers.
For more information: http://www.awra.org/meetings/Spring2013/index.html
Register now thru March 4, 2013, and receive the Early Bird rate; a significant reduction of the regular attendance rate.