The imbalance between water supply and demand is of growing concern globally. Rarely a day goes by without news about the dwindling surface water supplies,…
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Droughts have severe impacts on the economy, society, and environment. They also have impacts on groundwater and vice versa. While most analyses consider…
On August 16, 2021, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced the first-ever Tier 1 Colorado River shortage. The water delivery cutbacks, which went into effect…
Abstract Hydrogeomorphology is an emerging discipline that studies the relationship between landforms and hydrology, focusing on groundwater and surface…
ResumenLa hidrogeomorfología es una disciplina emergente que estudia la relación entre las formas del relieve y la hidrología, centrándose en las interacciones…
Este Libro Blanco (White Paper) esboza un conjunto de propuestas destinadas a fortalecer la capacidad de la Comisión Internacional de Límites y Aguas de…
Contributing Authors: Christopher Brown (New Mexico State University), Paul Ganster (San Diego State University), Hilda García (El Colegio de la Frontera…
El impacto del cambio climático ya es evidente en las comunidades fronterizas de Estados Unidos y México. Esta región fronteriza semiárida y árida se ha…
The impact of climate uncertainties is already evident in the border communities of the United States and Mexico. This semi-arid to arid border region has…
Abstract:Sharing scientific data and information is often cited within academic literature as aninitial step of water cooperation, but the transfer of research…
Resumen: En la cuenca árida del río Santa Cruz (USCRB, por sus siglas en Inglés), una cuenca binacional entre Estados Unidos y México, los recursos hídricos…
Abstract: In the parched Upper Santa Cruz River Basin (USCRB), a binational USA–Mexico basin, the water resources depend on rainfall-triggered infrequent flow…
Arguably, managing water separately from land was one of the great missteps of the 20th century. Turning our eyes to past practices, and recognizing the role…
The assessment of transboundary aquifers is essential for the development of groundwater management strategies and the sustainable use of groundwater resources.
La evaluación de los acuíferos transfronterizos es esencial para el desarrollo de estrategias de gestión de las aguas subterráneas y el uso sostenible de los…